Title: Digital information travel boards suck !

Autistic individual


I was waiting for a 272 bus late in the evening at 10 pm with a suitcase trying to travel to my daughter’s house to stay the night before we went on holiday the next day. The digitalboard said my bus was coming in 3 minutes then it disappeared 2 minutes later and it read 13 minutes. I saw that notice go down to 3 minutes then due . This second bus then disappeared. The time was now nearly 11 pm. I asked other people waiting for the same bus what their travel apps said. One man with a small baby in a pushchair said he was getting a message saying ‘ the service was in big demand …. What does that mean. No 272 buses came yet other services had plenty of vehicles comin at regular intervals. Then the digital board blanked out 272 completely. I’m panicking, knowing l can’t walk that far with the suitcase. The guy with baby kindly offered me a free share of his taxi to where we were both going. As our taxi arrived a completely empty 272 bus ghosted by. It stopped by us even though there were no passengers flagging it down.

What could have made the experience better?

An explanation on the digital board saying there was a disruption in my service. The travel apps saying there were delays with a prediction of how long the wait might be. Finding better phrases to use other than the service is in great demand. So frustrating. A way of making an enquiry about a service that makes sense to an older person like me. Better lighting at the bus stop. Thank you to the kind parent who got me to my daughters.

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